

I know i already have a post out there, but this one is for emphasis, in order to finish this series we neeeeed   a japanese translator who is VERY  fluent and does not collapse under work. This is a tremendously packed two chapters (52 will be out soon, this is mostly 53 and 54) so for this one I'm giving a disclaimer. Any little bit of help is TREMENDOUSLY  appreciated.

I'm really excited to get these chapters out there, Abel is to die for in these, it would be torture to release one and then in 3 months the other. Because with only two translators, its at least 3 months of work.

Thanks everyone<3



Hey everyone we still have a comfy spot open for one japanese >english translator and a cleaner/typesetter.
Anyone that can pass my japanese spot test is in for the translator, and anyone who has paint.net or photoshop and can show me a beautifully cleaned page ill assign them is in as well.
Trinity blood is an amazing series and I really want to finish it for everyone out there. Unfortuntely me and divina are both extremly busy and could use a hand with things like cleaning.
Thanks everyone



I want to thank everyone that emailed me supplying scans, some of them were beautiful. The series is almost spent, considering the mangaka isn't releasing any new chapters for a while. I believe its only a hiatus, but correct me if I'm wrong.

Also, I'de like to invite anyone who's interested to check out this team's site. They're not up just yet, but contact them if you wanna help! They just recently started out and are looking for all positions. The leader's sweet, and you can check them out on mangafox.




Trinity Blood CH.51 English download

Click here for CHAPTER 51 uploaded to Mangafox. Someone suggested I make the file downloadable for those who don't like to read manga online. However, If i find this uploaded elsewhere without any credit or permission, ill take them all down and burn whoever posted it without our permission.
All you have to do is ask, we post on Mangafox, but if another site doesn't have this chapter, email us, and we'll post it there too. It's that easy.



Our first post after much frustration, chapter 51 is up!
exactly 1:36 AM eastern time, the thing uploaded.
I feel like celebrating, and for any viewers, thank you<3
special thanks to Ana from Blawim fan-subs, our provider of the Spanish scans, if it wasn't for her I would be moping around with my hands in my pockets.
And thanks to everyone on Mangafox who offered help with edits and raws on the Japanese chapters, its incredibly reassuring ね!