

Hey everyone we still have a comfy spot open for one japanese >english translator and a cleaner/typesetter.
Anyone that can pass my japanese spot test is in for the translator, and anyone who has paint.net or photoshop and can show me a beautifully cleaned page ill assign them is in as well.
Trinity blood is an amazing series and I really want to finish it for everyone out there. Unfortuntely me and divina are both extremly busy and could use a hand with things like cleaning.
Thanks everyone


  1. hey! are you still recruiting for a cleaner, but i use paint.net?

    1. As long as you can clean correctly there is no question about what you use. By the way, the chapters are currently cleaned with paint.net, it's a friendly program isn't it?

      Tasya is currently our retoucher, so the task of filling in the black lost from scanning poor pages is not part of the cleaning job. That makes your job as simple as leveling and cropping/rotating etc...

      We would love to have you, so please email me at niconico.choco@gmail.com and we'll chat<3

      Thank you for your support!
